Amanda Harrison's ePortfolio
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        Instructional Technology

The field of instructional technology (IT) is constantly changing. There is not a single definition or even label for this field. Different labels for this field include instructional technology, educational technology, or instructional design and technology. It is difficult to capture in a single definition the contributions and thinking of the number of professionals throughout the history of the IT field (Reiser, p. 1). The Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) provides a useful definition for understanding the field of instructional technology. The AECT definition states “educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.” (Reiser, 2012, p. 4). According to Resier, this definition highlights two key defining elements of the field of instructional technology (p.5). These two defining elements include (1) the use of media for instructional purposes (2) the use of systematic instructional design procedures (Reiser, 2012, p. 5).

History of the field of instructional technology


       The early part of the twentieth century was marked by the visual instruction movement which centered on using visual media like films, slides, and photographs for instructional purposes (Reiser, p. 18). A shift occurred during the 1920s with the advent of technological advancements that enabled sound to be incorporated in media. This shift manifested in the audiovisual instruction movement.

    During World War II audiovisual devices were used in the military services and industry for the use of training. In the United States, training films played an important role in preparing civilians to work in industry (Reiser, p. 19).Training films were an effective way to reduce training time, as well as a way to keep people more focused and present during these films. This idea of using training films in the military and industry expanded to education, business, and other industry sectors.

    A large number of psychologists and researchers were utilized during World War II to conduct research and develop training materials for the military services. These individuals based much of their work, regarding the characteristics of the training materials, upon principles derived from research and theory on principles of instruction, learning, and human behavior (Reiser, p.23). These psychologists, who designed the successful military training programs, continued their work. These individuals along with others developed a number of innovative analyses, designs, and evaluations that have influenced the field of instructional design.     

   During the 1950s television as a medium for delivering instruction gained prominence. However, the growth of instructional television faded as the wake of a new technological innovation began. Computer assissted instruction (CAI) grew during the late 1950s through to the 1960s, but had little impact on education (Reiser, p. 20). The explosion of the personal computer during the 1980s brought a new found interest in using computers for instrcutional purposes. This interest in using computers for instructional practices was slow at first, but gained ground during the twenty first century with the rapid advancements in computers and other digital technology. These advancements, along with the Internet, have contributed to the growing interest in using these media across a variety of settings for instructional purposes. This progression has fueled the growth of online instruction and distance learning. Technological advancements have opened and continue to open the door to new possibilities for education, as well as other sectors.


Learning Theories


    The core of behaviroism is centered on eliciting a desired response by presenting the learner with a target stimuli (Ertmer & Newby, p. 40). Instruction is structured around the presentation of the target stimuli.Behaviorist stress the importance of the environmental conditions. This theory emphasizes that learning occurs when an observable response is followed by feedback/reinforcement. Behaviorists are concerned with the association between the stimulus and response. More specifically, how the association between the stimulus and resposne is made, strengthened, and maintained.


   Cognitivism stresses the acquisition of knowledge and internal mental structures (Ertmer & Newby, p. 50). Learning is understood as the change of a learner's schema or symbolic mental structures. The focus of cognitivism concerns the learner's mental processes. This theory emphasizes making knowledge meaningful. Coginitivists believe this is achieved by helping learners connect and relate new information to existing knowledge in meaningful ways.


   Constructivism emphasizes that learning is an active process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it (Ertmer & Newby, p 55). Learning is equated with creating meaning from experience, More specifically, learners construct knowledge based on personal experiences and interpretations of the world. Constructivists stress that learning should be structured around authentic tasks anchored in meaningful contexts.


Courses and sample work

ETEC 500: Foundations of Instructional Technology

This course provided me the opportunity to explore and build an understanding of the dynamic field of instructional technology, as well as the different historical and current trends pertaining to this field. In particular, I found analyzing and exploring the learning theories to be enlightening. Thinking about learning in theoretical ways has made begin to understand how learning can be structured.

Interview Assignment 

This assignment involved me going out to find someone to interview about the trends and experiences related to the IT field. 

Paper: My Philosophy of Education 

In this paper I was able to explore and reflect on my philosophy of education in relation to the different learning theories. When I wrote this paper during this course I was still formulating and understanding my own philosophy of education, so this paper represents my growth to understanding my vision of education.

My vision of education and the role of technology

After ruminating and spending more time reflecting on the content learned in ETEC 500 I was able to formulate my vision of education more succinctly. I think learning should be a collective experience in which the teacher and student learn together. How each student learns and thinks should be recognized and fostered in different ways to support a more individualized approach to education. I believe that learning needs to involve aspects of application of skills, critical investigation, and discovery. The role of technology in education provides a way to enhance and re-imagine learning. However, this versatile tool needs to be used in meaningful ways. I believe using technology in learning involves making the right decisions that can assist learning in beneficial ways. Technology is a tool in which the purpose is influenced by the way these tools are used to change and enhance learning.


Ertmer,P., Newby,T. (2013). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical

            Features From an Instructional Design Perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly,

            26(2), 43-71. DOI: 10.1002/piq.21143

Reiser, R., Dempsey, J. (2012). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology.

            (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.